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A switch, is a switch, is a switch... or is it?

Like death and taxes, the commoditisation of products, over time, is a given in our industry. You only have to look to the impact that Intel has had on the server and storage market, as a prime example.

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A switch, is a switch, is a switch... or is it?


Finally a software defined solution that make sense for corporates

Software Defined Networking (SDN) has been capturing headlines and marketing dollars throughout 2014 and 2015 but I have struggled to see the ROI for most enterprise organisations until late last year when I was introduced to a technology labelled SD-WAN.

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Finally a software defined solution that make sense for corporates


Five reasons why you need to add another vendor to your network in 2016

It’s a debate that raises its ugly head time and time again. And there are ferocious arguments for each approach, ranging from ease of management, lower total cost of ownership and having a single vendor to point an angry finger at when issues inevitably arise.

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Five reasons why you need to add another vendor to your network in 2016


Why enterprise CTO's should think more like telco CTO's

Telco networks are undergoing tremendous change. Challenged by significant reductions in their traditional service model (how many of us still use a landline at home?) and 3rd parties adding value to basic data (iMessage, Hangouts, Skype etc) they have been facing falling average revenue per user.

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Why enterprise CTO