Will the rise of encrypted traffic put your security in peril?
According to recent research conducted by leading network security vendor, Blue Coat, encryption, which keeps the content of digital communications hidden from prying eyes, currently makes up about 25-35% of enterprise network traffic. This traffic, which is encrypted with Secure Sockets Layer...
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Is the firewall dead?
Not according to two of the top four selling vendors in the market. Both Juniper Networks and Palo Alto Networks have presented their vision for the evolution of the Firewall with their partners in early 2016 and their plans share some remarkable similarities!
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Why enterprise CTO's should think more like telco CTO's
Telco networks are undergoing tremendous change. Challenged by significant reductions in their traditional service model (how many of us still use a landline at home?) and 3rd parties adding value to basic data (iMessage, Hangouts, Skype etc) they have been facing falling average revenue per user.
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